Make A Bake For It

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In the beginning…

The birth of Make A Bake For It.

Being a naturally creative person, I have always liked making things; however, after studying Fine Art at university, I fell into the trap of the corporate machine.

Having spent a shameful amount of time considering how I can balance work and a creative outlet, I had a few (mis)adventures such as my crochet and sewing Etsy business “The Gentleman Makes”, but balancing that and a full time job proved hard.

Then, the dark cloud of COVID-19 fell over the lands and I lost my job. It wasn’t all doom and gloom though! I suddenly had a lot more time at home and, having to bake our own bread as the shop shelves were bare, I decided to try making Sourdough bread. I was hooked!

Not only was I obsessed with making and eating sourdough, I was obsessed with taking instagram worthy photos to share my new passion. People liked what they saw and said I should do more. I’ve always loved cooking and baking, and I’ve made cakes for birthdays and weddings etc, but never thought of it as more then a hobby.

And so after finding myself a gentleman of leisure, I decided to make an instagram and blog in order to share my journey, my passion and also some tasty recipes i’ve come up with.

Why the name? Well, I love puns almost as much as I love baking and so, considering I was making a break for it from the 9-5 life, I thought I would play on that theme.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please follow along on this journey to ultimate food happiness!

Let’s Make A Bake For It together!