Sourdough Savant.


Don’t believe the title of this post (I just like alliteration!) 

 Sourdough has become quite the obsession on social media of late. Obviously, there is something about being in lockdown that makes people want to try what is classed as a notoriously hard to master artisan bread (myself included!) 

 Having never made bread before, I decided to throw myself in the deep end. 

And it got ugly! It started well, the starter was alive and well and bubbling away and making the kitchen smell of fermentation. I’d watched all of the YouTube videos, read all of the blogs and I was ready! 


 I’m not ashamed to talk about my failures - I choose to learn from them rather then dwell. The good thing about baking is that, even if it looks terrible, it usually tastes good! As you can see, my first loaf was flat, caked in flour and super dense and stick - but toasted - it was DELICIOUS. I was determined to keep going and, about 10 loaves in, I think they’re turning out pretty consistent. I’ve got a long way to go but the journey is fun and tasty! 

 So, let me share what I learnt and what I found worked for me and my oven. Let’s make some damn tasty bread! 

Stay tuned for my step-by-step sourdough recipe coming soon!


Getting started with Sourdough.


In the beginning…