Make A Bake For It

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To buy? Or not to buy?

That is the question!

In a world of convenience, fast paced lives and 24 hour supermarkets, we really are spoilt with the consumerist dream… 

While I can safely say that I am a man of convenience and will make shortcuts and use life hacks to make my life easier, there is one place where the shop bought fast option does not hold a candle to the real deal. That is bread, more specifically sourdough bread. 

Tesco, Waitrose and M&S, all are strong contenders on the ‘crusty bread’ front; however, since making my own I’ve found their bread lacking. Also, they’re expensive for what they are made of! Clocking in at anywhere from £3.50 to £5 depending on shop, you really are paying for convenience. 

I get that time is money but, on the whole, a sourdough recipe from start to finish has very little active time put into it considering the deliciousness you get out the other end.

I won’t name and shame but store-bought loaves are considerably smaller, clocking in at an average of 380 g for one loaf and can be very expensive. For the price of £1.50 (depending on where you shop), you can get 1 kg of flour and make two loaves then… see what I am getting at!

Basically, this is my plea for you to give bread making, and more specifically sourdough bread making, a try! It’s cheaper, tastier and way more fun! It’s a win-win all round! 

Check out both my sourdough starter and sourdough loaf recipe below and you’ll realise that the time is well spent making a cracking loaf, which in itself priceless.