Make A Bake For It

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Lotus Biscoff Banana Bread.

Bonkers for Biscoff,

As they say, all good things must come to an end, and so this is the final recipe in my banana bread odyssey. Although I could probably think up of another truck load of different recipes, I felt this selection gave something for everyone, whether that be vegans or people with gluten intolerances or allergies. And I saved the best for last… Biscoff banana bread is my masterpiece, because essentially Biscoff is a caramel biscuit, and what goes well with caramel? Bananas of course!

Think of this as an over the top caramel banana cake with decadent caramel frosting! This one is also the most decorative and would not look out of place at a party.

Why don’t you treat yourself and bake this delightful cake and wow some friends along the way too! 

Lotus Biscoff Banana Bread.

Prep - 15 mins 

Cook - 40 mins

Decorate - 10 mins

Serves 8 to 10.

For the loaf - 

150 g softened butter, plus extra to grease the tin

100 g golden castor sugar

50 g dark brown soft sugar 

150 g self-raising flour 

2 large free-range eggs, beaten 

1 tsp baking powder

2 VERY ripe Bananas, mashed

1 to 2 tbs Lotus Biscoff spread (add more if you want more of the Biscoff flavour)

50 g Lotus Biscoff biscuits, crushed, plus a little extra for decoration 

1 tbs milk

1 pinch of salt

For the frosting -

100 g softened butter 

200 g icing sugar, sifted 

1 tbs Lotus Biscoff spread

To decorate - 

1 to 2 tbs Lotus Biscoff biscuits crushed

1 tbs Lotus Biscoff spread (warmed to help piping)

4 to 5 Lotus Biscoff biscuits broken in large chunks

Method - 

1 - 

Preheat your oven to 150degC Fan.

Start by preparing your loaf tin - butter and line the tin with baking paper / parchment and set it to one side. I used a 1 lb (500 g) loaf tin for this recipe, if you have a 2 lb tin, simply double the recipe and bake for longer being careful not to burn the top. 

This is a good time to crush the biscuits into fine crumbs. You can use a food processor or the age old combination of a zip-lock bag, a rolling pin and a good bit of elbow grease. You can also take the time to mash the bananas with a fork until smooth.  

2 - 

Begin creaming the butter and sugar together in the bowl of a stand mixer. You can also use a hand mixer. Either way, cream the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy, approx. 2 to 3 mins. Then, add the 1 tbs Biscoff Spread and mix to combine. 

3 - 

To your mixture, slowly add in the flour and eggs in alternating batches, starting and ending with the flour (I typically do this in thirds). After the final addition of flour, add the 1 tsp of baking powder, 1tbs milk and pinch of salt. Fold in the mashed bananas and, finally, the 50 g crushed Biscoff biscuits. Fold until combined; however, use a gentle hand and be careful not to over mix. 

4 - 

Pour the mix into your prepared loaf tin and bake in a 150degC fan oven for 40 to 50 mins, or until nicely golden brown and a tooth pick, when inserted, comes out clean. Depending on your oven this very wet batter can take up to an our to bake properly, keep checking on it and If you notice the top browning too quickly, you can turn down the oven a touch and cover the tin with tin foil until it is fully cooked through. Once baked, leave your cake to cool in the tin for 10 mins, then remove to a wire rack to cool completely. You can bake the loaf a day or two in advance and store in an air tight container until ready to decorate. 

To Decorate - 

1 - 

Start by creaming your butter until pale, approx. 2 to 3 mins, and then begin to add your icing sugar in two batches, careful not to be engulfed in a cloud of sugar as you turn the mixer on! Once all the sugar has been added, spoon in the 1 tbs Biscoff spread. Once all of these ingredients are fully incorporated, turn up your mixer to high speed and beat for 1 to 2 mins until it is looking light and fluffy. You now have Biscoff butter cream!

2 - 

Place the final 1 tbs Biscoff spread in a microwave safe bowl and heat at 10 sec intervals until thin enough to pipe / drizzle. 

3 - 

Using either a piping bag or a pallet knife, generously ice the top of the loaf, taking care to make it look pretty. Top your icing with a trail of your Biscoff biscuit crumbs and chunks of biscuit. Then drizzle liberally with the melted Biscoff spread. 

4 - 

Slice, serve and enjoy! 

Store in a cool place in an airtight container for 3 to 4 days.