Hot Chocolate Bombs.


I’m not one to follow trends, let alone TikTok fad recipes as they usually end in disaster, but when I saw this one knocking around the internet, I was sold, not only is this easy (my favourite type of recipe) it’s the perfect thing to make for friends and family! Spend a day making and packing them up, and you’ve the recipe for some delighted faces this Christmas.

Pick your chocolate, pick your fillings, add some sparkle and BOOM! You have Hot chocolate bombs! These can even be made Vegan should you use the right ingredients its that adaptable!

I have drawn up three different types of hot chocolate bombs here, all based off a single basic recipe. I want you to be able to use this as a guide to make these your own and make a hot chocolate bomb that will blow your mind! So give these a go this Christmas and warm some hearts by spreading some festive cheer!


* Makes 1 XL (70 mm) or 2 M (50mm) chocolate bomb (there will be chocolate left over) multiply as needed. Mould details below. 


Classic Hot Chocolate Bomb 

100g Chocolate Milk or Dark - Chopped

1 tbs / sachet Hot chocolate mix / Cocoa Powder

Mini Marshmallows 


White chocolate to decorate


Caramel Biscoff Hot chocolate Bomb

3x Caramac bars / 100g caramelised white chocolate or just white chocolate if easier

1tbs Biscoff spread - Chopped

1 tbs / sachet salted caramel hot chocolate / white hot chocolate mix

Mini Marshmallows

1 fudge candy / hard caramel candy (crushed)

1 Biscoff biscuit crushed for decoration


White Hot Chocolate Bomb

100g Good quality white chocolate - Chopped

1 tbs / sachet White hot chocolate mix

Mini marshmallows 


Recommended equipment

Paper muffin cases 

Muffin tin

Silicone hemisphere mould - Links below


1 - 

Start by placing your clean silicone mould on a flat baking tray (this makes taking it in and out of the fridge easier). Prepare your double boiler by setting a clean heat safe bowl on top of a pan with 1 inch of simmering water, the bowl should not touch the water. Ensure that the bowl is dry as any water will split/ruin the chocolate.

2 - 

Begin slowly melting 3/4 of your chopped chocolate in the double boiler, when the chocolate is two-thirds of the way melted remove from the heat and add the remaining chocolate then stir continuously until fully melted and no chunks of chocolate remain. If it isn’t fully melted, return to the heat for a minute at a time ensuring not to over heat. 

3 - 

Using a clean dry pasty brush, coat the inside of the moulds with a thin even layer of chocolate, once coated place in the fridge for 10 mins to set. Repeat this process until you have a layer that is approx 1/8 inch or 1/4 cm, basically thick enough so they are easy to handle. Think about the thickness of an easter egg shell. Once you’re happy with the chocolate layer, refrigerate until solid, if you are storing in the fridge for longer than 1 hour, cover with plastic wrap. 

4 - 

When ready to assemble, take a muffin tin and add as many paper cases as required, carefully remove your chocolate shells and place one in each case remember you need two to make 1 ball. Place the top halves on a plate, set aside in the fridge. In the bottom halves now placed in the cupcake cases, fill with your fillings be generous but do not over fill, place in the fridge when done. Take your top halves and decorate with melted chocolate, and toppings as desired, refrigerate to set. 

5 - 

Place a clean dry frying pan on a low heat, once hot take your top halves and hold them on the pan to melt the edges  for a couple of seconds, you don’t want to fully melt the whole half, once the edges are melted place them on top of the prepared bottom halves and hold in place to set the chocolate. Alternatively you can dab some already melted chocolate on the edge and glue them together. Place in the fridge to set. 

6 - 

When ready to use, place the bombs in a large heat safe mug, and pour over very hot milk of your choice, and watch the magic happen! Stir thoroughly, top with whipped cream, marshmallows and enjoy! 

These make perfect gifts, and will store for a long time, best kept in the fridge to save the risk of melting. 

Hints and Tips 

- To achieve the imbedded sprinkles look as seen on the white chocolate bomb, place the sprinkles directly to the mould before the chocolate, and cover with a later of chocolate, set in the fridge before brushing on the remaining coats. 

- To avoid getting fingerprints on the chocolate you can use latex gloves this can help stop them melting when handling. 

- These are endlessly customisable, add any flavours and toppings you want. Go wild and have fun! 


Classic Sugar Cookies.


Peppermint Wreath Cookies.