
Keeping it simple with a hint of danger this week with Honeycomb. This recipe is super easy and very satisfying to make. Be sure to take care when making as it is hot sugar and can cause burns. 

Honeycomb is one of those things that is deceptively versatile it can be eaten alone, covered in chocolate, baked into cakes, added to frosting, used to decorate cakes, you name it! 

My favourite way to use it is on top of a cheeky hot chocolate for that caramel chocolate vibe!


250 g white granulated sugar

250 g golden syrup

3 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 

200 g dark chocolate (optional)


1 - 

Carefully grease and line a 10x10” square deep sided cake tin with foil and place on a heat proof surface / cooling wrack. Make sure you place this on something safe and stable as once we pour the hot caramel into the tin, you will want to leave it to cool before moving.

Measure your bicarbonate of soda into a small dish and have to hand for the next step. 

2 - 

Add your sugar and golden syrup to a deep sided sauce pan and begin to heat over a medium heat. If you have a sugar thermometer then clip this to the side of the pan. If you don’t have one and you are using a digital read then check regularly as we are aiming for 146 degrees C, which is the hard crack stage of caramel. Bring the caramel to the boil and stir to combine, if needed. You want to boil this until just before the target temperature (as the sugar will continue to cook once you remove from the heat). 

Working quickly and carefully, turn off the heat, add your bicarbonate of soda and stir vigorously for a few seconds to combine. It will foam up significantly so take care. Once you no longer see chunks of bicarbonate of soda pour into your prepared tin and leave to cool completely. Try not to stir for too long as it will begin to set.

3 - 

Once cool, remove from your tin and break / chop into chunks. This is where you can dip them in melted chocolate and allow to set or just serve as is. This will keep in an air tight container at room temperature for two weeks. You can eat as is, coat in chocolate or use in cakes etc. It is a lovely gift for friends and family. You can always just munch it in one go with something good to watch! 


Caramel Apple Cupcakes.