Make A Bake For It

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Banana Bread

A classic - For a reason.

Prep - 15 mins 

Cook - 30 - 40 mins

Decorate - 10 mins

Serves 8 to 10.

For the loaf - 

150 g softened butter, plus extra to grease the tin

100 g golden castor sugar

50 g dark brown soft sugar 

200 g self-raising flour 

2 large free-range eggs, beaten 

1 tsp baking powder

2 VERY ripe Bananas, mashed

1/4 tsp salt

50g Dark Chocolate chips (Optional) 

To decorate - 

1 whole banana sliced in half lengthways. 

1-2 tbs Demerara sugar (optional)


1 - 

Preheat your oven to 180degC fan.

Start by preparing your loaf tin. Butter and line the tin with baking paper / parchment and set to one side. I used a 1lb (500g) loaf tin for this recipe, if you have a 2lb tin, simply double the recipe and bake for longer being careful not to burn the top. 

This is a good time to mash the bananas with a fork until smooth.  

2 - 

Begin creaming the butter and sugar together in the bowl of a stand mixer. You can also use a hand mixer. Either way, cream the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy, approx. 2 to 3 mins.

3 - 

To your mixture, slowly add in the flour and eggs in alternating batches, starting and ending with the flour (I typically do this in thirds). After the final addition of flour, add the 1 tsp of baking powder, and 50 g chocolate chips (if you’re using these). Fold the mixture until combined; however, use a gentle hand and be careful not to over mix. 

4 - 

Pour the mix into your prepared loaf tin, top with your sliced banana, sprinkle with the Demerara sugar and bake it in a 180degC fan oven for 30 to 40 mins, or until nicely golden brown and a toothpick, when inserted, comes out clean. If you notice the top browning too quickly, you can turn down the oven to 150degC and cover the tin with tin foil until it is fully cooked through. Once baked, leave your cake to cool in the tin for 10 mins, then remove it to a wire rack to cool completely. You can bake the loaf a day or two in advance and store it in an air tight container. 

5 - 

Slice, serve and enjoy! 

Store your cake in a cool place and in an airtight container. It will keep for 3 to 4 days.

Tips & Troubleshooting

  • Be sure to resist the temptation to open the oven door too early in the cooking process. Wait 20 mins before checking or use your phone torch to look through the glass of the oven to see. If you open the door too early, this can cause the cake to sink in the middle. 

  • If your bananas are very ripe and soft, or your butter is too soft, this can make your cake batter very wet and lead to sinking. If this happens, the decorative bananas on the top can sink into the cake. If your butter is super soft, pop it in the fridge for 20 mins before you do anything else. 

  • If you want to bake your loaf but your bananas are not fully ripe, you can wrap them in foil and bake them in a moderate oven (150-180degC) until the skins are completely back. Let them cool completely and then you can use them to bake with. You can of course use bananas that are not over ripe - this will just lead to a less sweet and less strongly banana flavour in your final cake. 

Spice it up! 

You can customise this recipe by adding a teaspoon of cinnamon, nutmeg, or mixed spice if you’re feeling festive. You can substitute the chocolate chips for dried fruit or nuts. You can even top the cake with granola and honey for a breakfast vibe! The moral of the story is be adventurous, experiment with flavours and have fun! This is the perfect recipe to get going with! 

Now you’ve mastered this recipe get ready to take it to the next level…

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